Is it just me or Whats up with this.

That’s what we call back peddling! I think we will see a lot of that over the next four years.
Nah, Gary's a good guy in my eyes. Numbnuts was really meant for sir wingless.

Not gonna say Gary was all innocent, but lets not discuss that here anymore...Keep it to the secret thread up top.
I don't know Chavez personally so I can't say for certain that he is a terrorist. However, there are quite a few ties between his government and terrorist groups. He certainly can't be trusted.
I don't know Chavez personally so I can't say for certain that he is a terrorist. However, there are quite a few ties between his government and terrorist groups. He certainly can't be trusted.

So the choices left are ignore him or make war against him?

I think diplomacy is a good starting point. Im not going to say it is going to help, or going to change who he is, but it is an option I would start with as a new president. At least then you can say we tried, it dint work, lets go to plan B now.

Im just not sure why the dump on him for trying this course of action first.
What's sad about this entire subject is that most of us all have very strong opinions about the workings of our government and the effectiveness of our leadership, but because of all the "political correct" BS that is inherent in our current society, the majority do not stand up and speak their minds to their representatives. Maybe the polically correct era is on its way out?? Political correctness leads to censorship. Anybody watch the excerpt from the Miss USA pageant? Miss California broke the mold and answered a question about gay marriage by standing up for what she believes in. She did not answer the question by simply stating what the judge wanted to hear. Regardless whether you agree with her stance or not, we all need to be a bit more like her and stand up for what we believe this country is all about. I think most people in our country have similar convictions about the current issues, the problem is that they don't speak out due to the fear of not being politically correct. But, how can you blame them when for example, Tea Partys throughout the country were treated as demonstrations by a bunch of idiots instead of protests by American citizens? Let's not keep apologizing for our previous so called mistakes, and let's move forward with free speech and American pride. If we don't agree with the current administration's policies, let's make a change in 2012!:thumbsup:
What's really ironic to me is I clearly remember 8 years ago when W was elected, all the conservatives on various forums I participated in would slam the liberals who were complaining about his election, saying that he won fair and square, let him do his job, give W a chance to prove himself . . .
What's really ironic to me is I clearly remember 8 years ago when W was elected, all the conservatives on various forums I participated in would slam the liberals who were complaining about his election, saying that he won fair and square, let him do his job, give W a chance to prove himself . . .

I don't read the criticism of BOH as not giving him a chance. It's more that many people are watching and do not like what they are seeing and hearing. He's got the chance and will be judged at the mid-term elections.
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I don't read the criticism of BOH as not giving him a chance.

Really?? It just seems to me that there is so much end-of-world, armaggedon rhetoric being thrown around because we have a liberal administration that its hard to believe that peoples minds haven't been made up already. I don't know if that's necessarily giving someone a chance.
He does have a chance. It started with his assuming office and he will be judged at the mid-term elections in a formal way. The rest is people voicing opinion. He is definately a polarizing polititian.
I think you've made a really good observation in that there is great polarization within politicians and politics today. And I blame the media for that because moderates don't sell headlines; the extremes that incite people are what news outlets crave. Let's rile everybody up!!

I have a friend who's sister is a finance attorney to a lot of institutions and large brokerage houses. She was telling us that according to her clients, the market collapse would not have been as severe if it wasn't for some of the brokers and traders having instant access to news media reports on the trading floors via TV, internet, etc. A lot of the guys panicked by reacting without thinking through what was presented by the media, and the lemming parade started.
No the Castro's are becoming dis enchanted with our naive president.

AP today- " The ex-president (Fidel Castro)had previously expressed his admiration for Obama, but this time Castro blasted the new U.S. president for showing signs of "superficiality."

BHO is a walking bobble head on the world stage. Talks in sound bites and "glittering generalities" he is a consummate propagandist thats for sure. The substance of his accomplishment is to what, OUT SPEND cumulatively all the presidents in out history back to George Washington? Come on.

Our country is deeply divided along strongly felt lines of Socialists and Capitalists, we are just about evenly divided. The youth of our country has been in the grips of socialistic learning systems for some 30 years now and the younger population has adopted a "fairness doctrine" that says don't let me suffer. They have tipped the scales towards socialism, and BHO is wasting no time getting his true agenda in place. Why have the youth of today abandoned the base of their fathers? Because we have two generations of parents that have overindulged their children, saved them from every consequence for life and paid their way out and up. I mean just try to get a kid to mow your yard for 15 bucks an hour, just try! Youth have no discipline or sense of struggle against what is to come from what they have foisted upon their nation. When the truth of their action dawns on them the loss of personal freedom and privacy will be near complely transferred to the federal government.

The siren song of I'll give you everything that is falling from the Dem leadership and championed by BHO has put the most devastating blow to our live imaginable. They have just spent us to the point of impoverishing the nation, created a national database of the population ....

What good has BHO really done ... really now. What good has he done with our money that will really make our lives the better? In my best Zen manner ... we'll see.

But I am glad we have a right to keep and bear arms! (for now)
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No the Castro's are becoming dis enchanted with our naive president.

AP today- " The ex-president (Fidel Castro)had previously expressed his admiration for Obama, but this time Castro blasted the new U.S. president for showing signs of "superficiality."

BHO is a walking bobble head on the world stage. Talks in sound bites and "glittering generalities" he is a consummate propagandist thats for sure. The substance of his accomplishment is to what, OUT SPEND cumulatively all the presidents in out history back to George Washington? Come on.

Our country is deeply divided along strongly felt lines of Socialists and Capitalists, we are just about evenly divided. The youth of our country has been in the grips of socialistic learning systems for some 30 years now and the younger population has adopted a "fairness doctrine" that says don't let me suffer. They have tipped the scales towards socialism, and BHO is wasting no time getting his true agenda in place. Why have the youth of today abandoned the base of their fathers? Because we have two generations of parents that have overindulged their children, saved them from every consequence for life and paid their way out and up. I mean just try to get a kid to mow your yard for 15 bucks an hour, just try! Youth have no discipline or sense of struggle against what is to come from what they have foisted upon their nation. When the truth of their action dawns on them the loss of personal freedom and privacy will be near complely transferred to the federal government.

The siren song of I'll give you everything that is falling from the Dem leadership and championed by BHO has put the most devastating blow to our live imaginable. They have just spent us to the point of impoverishing the nation, created a national database of the population ....

What good has BHO really done ... really now. What good has he done with our money that will really make our lives the better? In my best Zen manner ... we'll see.

But I am glad we have a right to keep and bear arms! (for now)

I have to draw a comparison between my generation (boomer) and today's 20~30 somethings. In the '60s we had to look the "G" in the eye and question everything...our lives depended on it. When I was 18 we had a draft. I had to go play for a couple of seasons in the "South East Asian Conference" and learned alot about what makes this world move...the "Golden Rule" (those with the gold make the rules) and how money is a great motivator. In any case we questioned everything and demanded answers to the hard questions. We educated ourselves to the workings of our system of government and voted based upon that education.

The majority of young people today can't even tell you what hemisphere we live in or who their US Congressman is but they by damn know who Brittany Spears is screwing!! WTF:huh:. I have asked young people in their 30's why they voted for Obama (I really do want to know) and they look at me like a "dog looking at a fan" a say something really cute like "cause I didn't like Bush". When I tell them that Bush didn't run they have that "gone look" like "oh".

We need to find a way to educate ALL voters about real issues. People need to know why they are voting for a candidate other than because some "hip hop radio guy said to".

I have a nephew that is a Marine Captain in Afganistan. We e-mail each other on a limited basis and I detect his concern about what is going on at home. I assure him that America is behind him and supports him and his men and how they represent us. I fear that there are many that don't know and don't care.

We need to wake up and look around. Our lives and the lives of our children depend on it. :thumbsup:
Why do people post political comments on a boating forum???

I love politics, but this forum just isn't the place

I used to be a republican, until sometime around 2004. Now I'm independent.
If you want to complain about Obama's policies - I agree,
But Let's take a look at our last president....

Bush JR. #43.
Biggest government expansion since FDR & the great depression (pre-Obama)
Expanded Federal Budget 70% in 8 years from $1.7 Trillion to $2.9
Expanded Federal Debt 85% in 8 years from $5.7 to $10.6 Trillion
Prescription Drug Benefit- Largest massive entitlement program since LBJ
Refused to add significant protections to our border post-9/11
Expanded federal gov with "No child left behind"
Approved first $700 Billion bailout
Re-instated Farm entitlement programs after Clinton ended them
Expanded Ethanol program (complete give-away to farmers)
Almost appointed pro-Choice Harriet Miers until massive uproar
Started largest Nation-building project since WWII
Held hands & kissed Saudi Royalty on multiple occasions
Looked into the eyes of Putin and said he "Saw his soul"
Didn't remove "Dont ask dont tell" policy
3 of the largest US catastrophes in last 100 years happened on his watch (9/11, New Orleans, Worst economic conditions since great depression)
etc. etc. etc.

Obama is already on track to be worse, but Bush was pretty bad too.

I think there's a love for attacking democrats which is far more appealing to most then any actual policy that a politician can create.
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Naughty dog: We do it because it is fun :)

I think you are making an important point regarding how we got an ultra-liberal freshman senator elected as President. The previous Republican had messed things up so bad, that many Conservative Americans walked away from the Republican party.

For me, three major things turned me off of the Bush government;

1) Fiscal policy. . .as you note.

2) Iraq.

While invading Afganistan was necessary, I never was able to understand why invading Iraq was more important than invading say. . .Pakistan. At the time, I gave the benefit of the doubt because of the WMD argument. . but the bottom line is that they were wrong. The total mis-management of the first few years of the occupation was icing on this very putrid cake. Thank goodness they finally brought in General Peatraus (pardon spelling) to straighten the mess out.

3) Torture policy; Fundamentally. . this is a country that should be above that kind of nonsense. PERIOD. I saw an episode of 24 a few weeks back. . . .where Jack Bauer was talking to the President about blowing up some BioWeapons. The President could not authorize it. . .didn't say "no". . .but she made it clear that Bauer would "do the right thing". See the distinction? It is not national policy. . but is used by those who need to do the right thing at the right time. If you don't do it like that . . you end up with things like Abu Garib (pardon spelling. . too much beer!).

And even after all that. . I gave serious thought to the McCain campaign.. . but the bottom line is that he ran a horrible campaign. While I liked him in 2000; in 2008 he simply wasn't Presidential caliber.
Nauty Dog, we post in the HOLDING TANK any thing we want. What is your problem if some boaters want to discuss other aspects of life? Don't want to expose your self to such prattle, then simply say no and stay out. And perhaps unenlightened!

I have to draw a comparison between my generation (boomer) and today's 20~30 somethings. In the '60s we had to look the "G" in the eye and question everything...our lives depended on it. When I was 18 we had a draft. I had to go play for a couple of seasons in the "South East Asian Conference" and learned alot about what makes this world move...the "Golden Rule" (those with the gold make the rules) and how money is a great motivator. In any case we questioned everything and demanded answers to the hard questions. We educated ourselves to the workings of our system of government and voted based upon that education.

The majority of young people today can't even tell you what hemisphere we live in or who their US Congressman is but they by damn know who Brittany Spears is screwing!! WTF:huh:. I have asked young people in their 30's why they voted for Obama (I really do want to know) and they look at me like a "dog looking at a fan" a say something really cute like "cause I didn't like Bush". When I tell them that Bush didn't run they have that "gone look" like "oh".

We need to find a way to educate ALL voters about real issues. People need to know why they are voting for a candidate other than because some "hip hop radio guy said to".

I have a nephew that is a Marine Captain in Afganistan. We e-mail each other on a limited basis and I detect his concern about what is going on at home. I assure him that America is behind him and supports him and his men and how they represent us. I fear that there are many that don't know and don't care.

We need to wake up and look around. Our lives and the lives of our children depend on it. :thumbsup:

Well put, Many say change and have no idea what the hell is being the changes if any will affect them or why it is being done...As for Obama's non-fiscal policy and kow-towing to other foreign officials...puke

"You don't know what you have until it is gone"
You guys sound like a bunch of old farts as usual complaining about "today's youth" and yadda yadda.

Like every generation before, the one youre in is the best, and the ones that follow can never live up to "what we did in our day."

As far back as literature goes, the older generation has complained about the next. How many generations ago did Mark Twain write about "the next generation."?

I know a lot of "todays youth" and I can tell you there are just as many bright bulbs as broken ones as there were in every other generation.

There were just as many people interested in Elvis, or the Beatles back then (rock and roll rubbish!) as there are interested in Britney Spears or anyone else ya wanna throw up there.

Too funny...the circle of life continues...
Dude... you need to come sit in my wife's high school classroom. Things are much different than they were 20 years ago. If I called my teacher a "f'ing btch" in front of the class, I would be thrown out the door for a few weeks. Today, nothing happens other than asking (not telling) the student to sit down.

There's this whole "no child left behind" crap now. I don't know about everyone else but one of the things that motivated me was being AFRAID of being left behind. If you can't be left behind, why work? Heck... let's teach lazy behavior in school!!! "Goof off and you'll be taken care of and someone else will get blamed"!

My wife fields parents calls every night about "How come my johnnie got an F?" When the response is "because he isn't doing the work", the parents always say things like "Maybe you aren't able to motivate my johnnie and you are a crappy teacher."

I'm personally surprised the graduation rates are as high as they are.

If you want to fix graduation rates, you need to fix the broken culture that exists in households (note I didn't call them "homes"). Otherwise, we'll continue to graduate and have drop outs of a bunch of lazy ass kids that elect politicians that promise to take care of them and blame others for their problems.

Kids that get grades below a "B" shouldn't have cell phones, nintendo, TV, or a warm bed. An AM Radio to listen to conservative talk radio, no visitation from friends, Oatmeal and a concrete floor in the garage is all they should get until the grades come up.
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