My Buddy Died

Wow, sorry to hear this Woody. Been over a year since we lost our dog, I know what you mean about hangin' out with a dog when no one else is around; it's good to have the company. We are now ready for another. Take care.
Sorry. Been through it a few times and probably again in the not to distant future.
Sorry about your dog Woody.
Woody, so sorry for your loss. Dogs are very special. I lost mine 5 months ago. We miss her everyday, and although we dont ever wish to go through it again, the admiral lights up when we see one walking or on a commercial or something. Time heals, you are in our thoughts and prayers.
Sorry to hear about your buddy. Gone thru that 3 times and I know how hard it is.
That is a tough one! Sorry to hear of your loss, Woody.
Gee guys & ladies, I don’t know what to say other than thank you. It’s a rare event if I put personal stuff on the net. I suppose if my wife was home there’d been some huggin’ and back pattin’ and all would have been good. She wasn’t and I guess I was in a sharing mood, so consider your butts appreciatively patted…thanks.

I buried him this morning in a tall stand of pines overlooking the pond. He liked it there. Gus was an American coated giant schnauzer, docked tail, natural ears, 10yo. He could be the mischievous clown(if he knew you) or a very intimidating protector. His instincts were strong and he just always could tell which role he should play.
Very sorry to see this. My time is coming Savanna is 16 this year. I read your story and hugged her more
Sorry about the loss of a family member. They are family. Remember all the wonderful times like going to the bank together. And when the time is right, get another dog. It is amazing how quickly they can put a smile on your face.
Sorry for your loss. I was there in 1999. I still have not gotten a new dog. Can't be replaced.
I'm sorry to hear of your loss. I had to bury my Scarlet in November. It was truly one of the hardest days of my life. I'm sure all of us who have had to bury their own pet can say that. However, I wouldn't trade those memories I had with Scarlet for anything.
Time will heal all wounds...

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